
  • "The Myth of Mental Illness", Thomas Szasz, 1961.
  • "The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement", Thomas Szasz, 1970.
  • "Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "Anti-Freud - Karl Kraus' Criticisms of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "The Theology of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 1977.
  • "The Myth of Psychotherapy", Thomas Szasz, 1978.
  • "Insanity - the Idea and its Consequences", Thomas Szasz, 1987.
  • "Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market", Thomas Szasz, 1992.
  • "The Meaning of Mind: Language, Morality and Neuroscience", Thomas Szasz, 1996.
  • "Fatal Freedom: The Ethics and Politics of Suicide", Thomas Szasz, 1999.
  • "Faith in Freedom", Thomas Szasz, 2004
  • "The Medicalisation of Everyday Life", Essays by Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Psychiatry: the Science of Lies", Thomas Szasz, 2008.
  • "Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared", Thomas Szasz, 2009.
  • "Suicide Prohibition: The Shame of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 2011.
  • "Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good", James Davies, 2013.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Offer excludes Psychiatrists!"

20th Century Proverbs, Book One, Volume 1.

We have to build a world where this offer includes "Psychiatrists".

The basic point is that - if it exists at all - it needs to be totally optional and non-coercive.

Just like Medicine itself is. 

"Psychiatry" encorages suicide

For many reasons "Psychiatry" definitely encourages suicide!.....

One being that it is regarded as a "symptom" of an "illness"......

Consequently - something that one is regarded as being likely to do if one has been labelled as having a "mental illness".

A second reason is that what is done to people in the name of "Psychiatry" is very often a fate worse than death. The so-called "Treatments" are imensely painful. They often constitute TORTURE and certainly POISONING.

It is that bad. And it is HIGH TIME it totally ended. 

Start HELPING PEOPLE instead.

"Liberty lost still buried today....."


I am still stuck in the crime against humanity that is the UK "Mental Health System".
I am at the present time effectively under house arrest of a kind.

For no reason whatsoever and for no crime whatsoever.
And here in the UK my own birth country.
A bit like Ozzy Julian Assange.

This is a disgraceful injustice imposed on me and thousands of others by a criminal system, run and maintained by criminals.

If you are involved with these prisons then you are a criminal - from the humblest cleaner to the most bleeding-heart drama therapist.

These places are illegal prisons. That alone makes them unacceptable. It is nothing personal.

Whilst under this coercive system people expect me to behave in an entirely "normal" way.

If you don't treat people normally, how can you expect them to behave normally?

If you treat people for decades on end as effective slaves and imprison them without reason at the drop of a hat - is it not a miracle for them not to be full of hate for the so-called society around them?

I would implore anyone anywhere to campaign vigorously for an end to the crime that is psychiatry

Szasz Manifesto

Amnesty International

Keep taking the Popper!

Karl Popper's FALSIFIABILITY theory - though primarily intended to apply to the natural sciences - can obviously apply to the so-called human and social sciences.

The "social sciences" are of course riven with filosofical difficulties.
Popper was concerned with these with reference to politics and political change.

In terms of (what remains of) Medicine the proposition that someone has a "mental illness" in strict reference to Popper's theory would mean that the only way that this presumably scientific proposition can be accepted by a scientist is if it can be FALSIFIED.

Given that "Mental Illness" is declared to be present in someone on a totally arbitrary basis the full horror of the evil that this non-ideology is, is revealed quite quickly by Popper's thorts on science.

FALSIFIABILITY is always ultimately denied by Psychiatric DIKTAT.
"Psychiatry" is effectively the same thing as NAZISM. A monstrous tryranny.
Not popular here in England!...
It could get worse.
Stop it before it does!.....

If someone declares person X to have "Mental Illness" Y - how would this be FALSIFIED rather than PROVEN?.....

"Mental Illness" can never be falsified for it is always and by definition the arbitrary declaration of someone about someone else.

Therefore it fails Popper's test with flying colours. It is not science at all!

Dyslexia ROOLS UK.

Dyslexia ROOLS UK.



If you disagree then you probably are an English speaker.

Why not chose a different language to speak and write in?
Maybe ...say Spanish.

Do everything in Spanish and THEN tell me if you still have "Dyslexia" (according to someone else) or think you do yourself.

The Manifesto would not be a novelty but a reversion to the STATUS QUO!

The implementation and/or adoption of the Szasz Manifesto and its principles would not in any way be a novelty - but a reversion to the STATUS QUO of cultural norms that existed (and still does for some lucky cultures!) - all over the world before around 1890 or so perhaps.

"If you knew your history, you would know where you were coming from !...."

"Mental Illness" is an ethnocentric concept.
 Or perhaps an ERACENTRIC concept is more accurate.

The author of The Psalms would be "imprisoned - for an illness" under our current utterly unenlightened cultural paradigm.
We are medicalising everyday life. We must stop doing so.

CitizenSofa commented on
Nelson Mandela 'fake' interpreter admitted to psychiatric hospital.
20 Dec 2013:

"Schizophrenia" was invented in Darkest Switzerland in the 1880s.
It does not exist.

It is part of a European-in-origin crime against humanity called "Psychiatry".


The chap concerned may believe that his odd or mistaken behavior is a "symptom" of an "illness".

Well how can that be ?
On its own terms!

I think he believes that because a culture told him that this was the explanation.
You can be sure it was not a native African culture that told him that that was the explanation!

2+2=4. Mental Illness DOES NOT AND CANNOT EXIST.



Please can we start Mathematics now?

I wish this was not an appropriate post but of course - SADLY - it is.

Medicine must remain free of ALL COERCION.

A great immorality that we are dealing with here is the totally evil and mistaken belief that Medicine of any kind can - in ANY context - have any moral right to use force, compulsion or coercion of ANY kind.

The belief that Medicine can encompass violence - in reality the exact opposite of Medicine -  is one of the most dangerous beliefs in human history.

The State has no role in compelling people to receive ANY medical treatment.

The Separation of State and (Fisical) Medicine [disregarding (voluntary) State Provision] must be maintained.

This has recently been threatened in the U.K.

Part of the threat does come from the crime that is "Psychiatry".


"The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry"

"The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry (Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy)" 
has recently been published and was on-sale in Foyle's (Medicine Section) today - Tuesday 10th December 2013.

It mentions "guru" Szasz in the index several times which is practically miraculous to me!

I do however find the book and the title to be disgracefully wrong and offensive.

"Mental Illness" is SELF-EVIDENTLY a bankrupt concept.

This book is also self-evidently pointless and bankrupt therefore.

I suppose it is for newly qualified Shrinks to feel a bit more intellectual.

The "shrink" or equivalent of the future will - in my ideal version of the future - simply need or have "The Handbook to Filosofy" and nothing else!.....

I would compare it to the title "Philosophy and Bullying and Poisoning" or; "Philosophy and Mass Murder"; or "Philosophy and Tarot Cards"...... or.......

Susan Boyle has "autism"/"Asparagus" syndrome, does she? Yeah Az If!!!!

Susan Boyle has "autism"/"Asparagus" syndrome, does she?

If she is "unaware" emotionally or in some other way of me and my existence - then why does she seem to be trying to take my heed off with her excellent mezzo-soprano voice?

She does not have "autism", the poor dear, because no one does.

It does not exist.

The people who told her or anyone that they have "autism" - and no one, no matter their money nor power (the same thing nowadays) is immune from this bullshit - are wicked idiotic bullies!.

"Freedom is absolutely necessary for progress".

"Freedom is absolutely necessary for progress in science and the liberal arts."

Benedictus Spinoza.


A "Citizen Sofa" Comment on recent new scientific "research".

"Older fatherhood: something interesting for society to consider."
23 August 2012. The Guardian.

This article is non-scientific. The so-called data involved is totally compromised by the fact that there are no such things whatsoever as "schizophrenia" nor "autism".

A point that my conscience as well as extreme obviousness compels me to continue to make is that "MENTAL ILLNESS" SIMPLY DOES NOT EXIST.

To fill in the blanks - that even a "BLANKETY BLANK" contestant should be able to fill in - the D.N.A. data referred to in the article is totally meaningless because it is qualified as being from people who have totally non-existent "conditions" / "illnesses" / "diseases".

Freedom of speech is more or less an absolute for me.

You have to take the rough with the smooth. As Father Ted said. About something else.......


On the term "Mental Disorder".

A few words on the terminology "MENTAL DISORDER".

"Mental disorder" is usually an exact synonym for "mental illness".

Like "mental illness" it simply does not exist.

To call a thort, a belief, a feeling, a behavior, a misbehavior or such like (anything non-fisical), a "disorder", is simply an (arbitrary) opinion regarding it. It implies - above all - DISAPPROVAL.
As of course does the term "mental illness".
Moral disapproval is not principally the task of Medicine.
Disapproval is mainly the arena of someone - anyone - who has a (moral) opinion.

A doctor can and should disapprove and approve of behaviors on the grounds that they could detrimentally affect (fisical) health; or enhance (fisical) helth respectively.
He certainly cannot enforce any behavior. Nor should he.

Part of his job is indeed to recommend a patient to desist from behavior or recommend behaviors.
Thus he can approve and disapprove of behaviors.
But this is not a moral question. It is a fisical health question only.
The Medical doctor's first task is FIRST - DO NO HARM.

"Disorder" is sometimes a (Fisical) Medical term.
For example one can talk of a disorder of the respiratory system or a disorder of the urinary system.

To use it in a fake branch of what remains of Medicine - the crime called "Psychiatry" - is an abuse of it.

The use of the word "disorder" in this context ("mental disorder") is, like so much else in this matter (and elsewhere nowadays) an abuse of language; and an abuse of the English language in this case.

And an abuse of every other language in which its equivalent is employed to - often deceitfully - translate the word "illness".

The media is awash with discussions of "eating disorders".

Let's be clear at the start - a behavior is not an ILLNESS.

A behavior can be disordered. But this would be an opinion.

"Disorder" in this question implies that there is a normal and helthy way to eat.
Well, broadly speaking there indeed is.

An eating behavior that is unregulated and out of control is indeed "disordered".

The thing is, the clear implication of "Psychiatry"'s involvement is that people have no choice.

The tragedy is that their choice is the only thing that can help them. It is indeed what must be causing the problem.

This medicalisation of behaviors is extremely harmful as a conception of problematic behaviors.

I have already discussed this question elsewhere.

If one's eating behavior is a problem - show me any other way to change it but by one's free choice, as a solution to the problem?

To call it an "illness"/"disorder" is to imply that one has no choice but to behave in a specific way.
This is such a harmful lie. Obviously so.

And of course - how can the belief that one has no control over one's behavior do anything else but encourage it and make the undesired behavior worse?


Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

'Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied.' 

William Gladstone.

Justice has tarried for far too long for the millions of people DIAGNONSENSED by the CRIME that is "Psychiatry".



There is no mention whatsoever of the word and terminology "Psychiatry" - its origins as a term being in the English-speaking world - before 1846.

So NO! ... Macbeth had not missed his meds!..... etc. etc. etc.

My Message to organisations like "Mind", "SANE", "Rethink" etc.

My message as an Anti-Psychiatry activist to organisations like "Mind", "SANE", "Rethink" etc. should be relatively obvious.

To a large extent they are advocates for people who are victims of a crime - a crime called "psychiatry."

Whilst they seek to defend the rights of those ARBITRARILY labelled "mentally ill" - they don't seek enough to bring about FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE; and to FULLY SECURE HUMAN RIGHTS for all in the U.K. - for example by FULL REPEAL of the U.K. Mental Health Acts.

A major problem is they as organisations are, to far too great an extent, believers in the criminal ideology of "mental health" and "mental illness"; and hence are nearly as bad as the poisoners themselves.

The astonishing thing is that it is taking organisations like this - and society in general - so long to realise just how right Szasz was.

"Mental illness" does not exist and the "cure" for "it" is far worse than any illness!

The most potent weapon of the oppressor....

Great Steve Biko quote :

"The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

St. Steven Biko.

This point is so very, very relevant to mental illness ideology.

Some people are so inured to the system - usually its very worst victims - that they find questioning the ideology of "mental illness" very very peculiar!....

The BCN - Brain and Central Nervous System

In Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine etc..... the Brain and Nervous System are ONE BODY SYSTEM - made of the same kind material and functioning as one. The "BCN". ......

Brain Science and Neuroscience are indeed usually interchangeable SYNONYMOUS terms - reflecting this scientific truth.

But this terminology needs "tightening up" and it would be helpful to do so I think.

Therefore Neuroscience could be called Brainscience - and indeed it is.

And hence Neurofilosofy - could be called Brainfilosofy or even Cerebrofilosofy!.....


Where "Science" is rendered as "o-Logy" from "Logos" - one could end up with....

Neurology - which is simply a branch of Medicine concerned with the physical nervous system.


"Nervescience" as "practised" nowadays is often about observing and measuring "neurotransmitters" and "electrical brain scans"......

Neurotransmitters are biochemical human substances..... like enzymes except in the nervous system.....

Far too much is concluded and extended from what is observed from such data......

Neurotransmitters like Dopamine work in relation to extremely basic body functions - like eating, breathing, sleeping.....

They have NOTHING AT ALL to do with emotions and decisions and the like.

Interfering with them has no or little effect on anything ANYWAY.

Let alone on anyone's behavior, emotions, thorts or feelings etc......

Supposedly interfering with them - in the context of "Psychiatric" POISONING - usually means DESTROYING them and their functioning as well as the nervous system itself.

"Neuroleptic" LITERALLY means - destroys the nerves!.....

The chemical cosh that bashes your body to smithereens!

Worse than a real cosh!....

So-called "Neurospychiatry" ("Nerve-Mind-Healing") is a PSEUDOSCIENCE and one of the most damaging crimes against humanity that has been known to us.

Harsh condemnation. Fully warranted.


NEUROLOGY is a branch of Medicine (or what is left of it) concerned with the (fisiological) nerves and the treatment of fisiolojical problems of the nerves and the nervous system!......

NEUROSCIENCE - a totally different thing - is a frightening new entity from the USA :) -  something surprisingly different!......




Mood is almost entirely subjective and a choice.

The idea that a substance can change one's mood is almost as wicked as the idea the the state of one's mood can in itself constitute an "illness" anyway.

An excess of "serotonin" - supposedly a "cure" for something that does not and cannot exist - the "illness" of "depression" - will only harm and destroy body systems.

The "medication" is only officially THORT to cause this anyway!

And then this effect - an excess of "serotonin" - is then THORT to have effects. :) :O

As with all neurotransmitters they are always concerned with BASIC BODY FUNCTION -appetite, sleep etc.

NOT moods or thorts or feelings.....


Possibly the biggest factor in ending anyone's "depression" is their realizing that it does not and cannot exist as an illness.

In my experience, what gets labelled "depression" (for example) is almost always related to beliefs and beliefs about life events - not physiology (other than basic health).

Telling someone that they have an "illness" when they obviously do not can never help.

Giving them 200 quid a fortnight extra "Disability Allowance" (when there is NO disability) will help them go to the pub and - in the case of the more sensible recipient of the "wonga" - the brothel.
Neither locales constitute the permament "cure"! :)




[Of the dead one should only speak good.]


Of the dead one should only speak good.
In the case of Szasz - this is particularly easy to live up to!

Szasz's books are of the highest quality and his ideas have the potential to avoid a great deal of suffering. He has rendered humanity a great service with his work.

Szasz's views' are perhaps sometimes being misrepresented and him and his views are being denigrated from beyond the grave.

A good example is Szasz's current wiki artricle.

It has an ENTIRE PART entitled "Criticism" at an early point in the article.

Is that the case with Chomsky's wiki or Newton's wiki?

The things that make up this part of the wiki article in my view do not really come under the definition of "critique" or "criticism".

Perhaps "mudslinging" would be a more apt title for this part of the wiki article.

Chomsky as a thinker is accorded far more attention than Szasz.

I think Szasz is absolutely worthy of an equal amount of attention.


His ideas are for all of us!
For they are nothing more than ideas - systematised LOGIC!

The distinction between MEDICINE and CRIME.

The distinction between MEDICINE and CRIME is an extremely important one.

It has been blurred now for centuries, mainly due to the pseudo-science of "Psychiatry".

Crime is no more the concern of Medicine than any behaviour.

Discodancing, for example, is neither a disease nor a crime - though some may think that it falls within the ambit of "crime". :)

Consequently, a disco dancer is neither in need of a doctor nor a policeman.

As soon as we allow the most heinous crimes to be regarded as "symptoms" of illnesses - or as illnesses themselves - like the common cold - then we are in trouble. To put it mildly.

As soon as we impute the views of those we disagree with to supposed non-proven illnesses we are seriously compromising our political and legal systems as well as the whole of science.

Yes, it is that vital a distinction.

Szasz of course has written extensively on issues like this.

We are already - even within the crime that is "psychiatry" itself - often treating people for crimes and punishing people for "illnesses".

Things like that are undoubtedly illogical.

The way forward is humbly to try to stick to logic.

If there is ANY crime then there may be punishment etc.
If there is SURELY NO ILLNESS there can be no treatment.

Our society already knows that it constantly breaches and marrs that logic.
It justifies that with pragmatism. But this is not really a good idea! Nor is it necessary!

Great Nelson Mandela quote on oppressors.

"I knew as well as I knew anything that the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed.
A man who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner........; he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness.
I am not truly free if I am taking away someone else’s freedom, just as sure as I am not free when my humanity is taken from me.
The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity."

Nelson Mandela.


Even were coercion entirely removed from the practice of the pseudo-science of "Psychiatry" - as it must be - it is still intrinsically oppressive;
and this fake discipline must also be abolished as a supposed branch of what remains of Medicine.


Another relevant parafrased quote:

"Where people believe absurdities, they can end up committing atrocities."


Racism and Psychiatry are ABSURDITIES!


Bertrand Russell and other filosofers even today often make use of terms like "lunatic", if only in rhetoric.
A problem with terms like this is that they really do have no meaning at all.
Russell in using such terms is showing that - as he always stressed - filosofers, even including him, were embedded in the culture of their times.

What I think Russell really means when he says things like "everyone other than a lunatic agrees that" - is there are certain things that he believes everyone reasonable would agree to.
Elsewhere he and others say more worrying things.

One of the only other filosofers to deal with Bertrand Russell and others' use of meaningless terms like "lunatic" is Thomas S. Szasz.

Is it a mistake to hope for an end to such utter stupidity?

"And trying to get it right,.....perpetuates the long-standing idea that, in our present state of knowledge, the recognized varieties of mental illness should neatly sort themselves into tidy blocks, in the way that plants and animals do."

Ian Hacking discussing the latest edition of the D.S.M. in the London Review of Books, 8th August 2013. Or is it the London Review of Bullshit?

Is it a mistake to hope for an end to such utter stupidity?

This review of a serial publication that is as ridiculous and offensive as "Mein Kampf" sounded like it was the radical and dismissive critique that it should have been.
After all, the doggerel that we call the D.S.M. was nearly not published this time round.

The unfortunate last sentence cited above gave the lie to this hopeful assessment.

Has Szasz's name ever been mentioned in the L.R.B.? I doubt it.
Or in its sister journal the New York Review of Books?

Incidentally, the N.Y.R.B. practically worships the paper that thinkers like Chomsky doodle on, I would add! And rightly so!

Where is the adulation and respect that Szasz deserves? When will it come?

Szasz was from a University near New York too, at Syracuse!

No "mental illness" at all exists or can exist!

Whilst a science of Palaeontology could exist - "Psychiatry" simply cannot exist as any kind of science.

I repeat that no "mental illness" at all exists or can exist.

So don't bother dividing them up!

Which example of other supposed scientific disciplines wholly based on a non-existent and illogical concept should one invoke?

For me "Economics" based atround the "concept" "Economy" is a good contender!

With "Psychiatry" it is far worse.

For whilst a science of Palaeontology could exist - "Psychiatry" simply cannot exist as any kind of science.

There is no mention whatsoever of the word and terminology "Psychiatry" - its origins as a term being in the English-speaking world - before 1846.


Now that he has left us, Szasz is being misrepresented and denigrated from beyond the grave.

It is a truism of the history of filosofy that revolutionary ideas are suppressed or revealed gradually and gently. Quite often even by their originators.

Copernicus and Spinoza, for example, took great pains to make sure that their works were mainly published and disseminated after they themselves had died - in both cases.

Szasz was effectively a filosofer, a filosofer who has recently left us.
He knew well that speaking out and documenting the obvious defect in Medicine that was represented by Psychiatry when he became a medical doctor would be controversial and would potentially have revolutionary results.

He made the effort to present his surprisingly simple and obvious ideas and works diplomatically and sensibly.

It is a tragedy if his views - which have the potential to end so much unnecessary suffering - are in any way misrepresented now that he has gone. They indeed were misrepresented whilst this brave and courteous man lived.

"The Lie of Mental Illness."

Thomas Szasz - I dare say - would have preferred, in an ideal world, to call his seminal work "The Myth of Mental Illness" - "The LIE of Mental Illness."

Szasz was a filosofer, an activist but also one of the only accurate historians of this thoroughly wicked institution and so-called branch of medicine.

Once again his ideas are simply deliberately misrepresented on wikipedia and elsewhere.
Whilst alive and now whilst he is dead.

An insult to one of the greatest intellectuals of all time and an insult to the millions damaged and murdered by the crime against humanity that was "Psychiatry".
He very compassionately tried to rescue people this from state-imposed slavery and oppression.
His sucess is inevitable.
How sad that he is not here to see the 1945 victory fully achieved and human rights established across the world.


Like slavery - "mental illness" ideology and "Psychiatry" are amongst the clearest breaches of the Golden Rule - "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You" - that it is possible to conceive of.

Cristians would never seek to enforce or coerce a belief in Cristianity - or at least not nowadays!

Yet contemporary "Western" society officially and authoritatively teaches the belief in "Mental Illness" to our whole global society. And no one seems to notice that it is a lie.

It is a belief with no science of any kind to support it. In fact it is destroyed by simple logic.

It is a belief which some do not realise is simply a belief. It is a belief in a complete lie.

This is backed up by state coercion and control and state propaganda.

This "religion"'s days are well and truly over.

The pseudo-science, pseudo-religion and crime against humanity that was "Psychiatry" is finished.

The Nazis - A Warning from History!

The Nazis - A Warning from History.

Psychiatry - A Warning from Right Fucking Now!

Liberty Lost Still Buried Today Beneath the Lie of "Mental Illness".

June 2013.

Still stuck in the crime against humanity that is the UK "Mental Health System".
I am at the present time effectively under house arrest of a kind.
For no reason whatsoever and for no crime whatsoever. And here in the UK my own birth country.
A bit like Julian Assange.

This is a disgraceful injustice imposed on me and thousands of others by a criminal system, run and maintained by criminals.
If you are involved with these prisons then you are a criminal - from the humblest cleaner to the most bleeding-heart drama therapist. These places are illegal prisons. That alone makes them unacceptable. It is nothing personal.

Whilst under this coercive system people expect me to behave in an entirely "normal" way.
If you don't treat people normally, how can you expect them to behave normally?

If you treat people for decades on end as effective slaves and imprison them without reason at the drop of a hat is it not a miracle for them not to be full of hate for the so-called society around them?

I would implore anyone anywhere to campaign vigorously for an end to the crime that is psychiatry

"It's a condition and not a choice!"

"It's a condition and not a choice!"

Depression and Anxiety (Link).

This org's "channel" chose to block my comment ("If that is the case, how can he be helped?") in reply to the one above about this young man. Fair enuff. Maybe I was too cheeky in the end.

The channel managers did not have Citizens Sofa Aversion Disorder - they made the choice to deliberately block me.

My contention is that in the case of the chap here referred to - his so-called "condition" is ultimately in some way his choice.

Generally speaking, my contention is that the opposite to the headline comment above is the case :-
"It is a choice and cannot be a "condition"."

The belief that our behaviours and feelings are beyond our own control is a highly damaging falsehood.
Obviously so.

Does he have to look in the newspaper every morning to see what the DepressionAndAnxiety Forecast is? - like looking for the Pollen Count or the Meteorology/Weather forecast?

Do I mean to imply this chap is "malingering" in some way? Whatever that means....

Not at all. I merely mean that usually such stresses have a cause and don't just fall from the sky so to speak.

If CBT is used to challenge negative thorts or feelings well then there is a contradiction since the ideology of "mental illness" says that this man has a "condition" which makes such things inevitable.

So the mere ideology is damaging and not just the possible "treatments" which for ANYONE can include imprisonment etc.

This option should NEVER be available. The people who enforce options like this are wicked criminals.
This man IMO needs defending from them. As do we all.

"Concentration camps are not reformed they are only abolished."


A recent and retrograde step

Show me the Shakespeare play or the Renaissance essay that mentions pseudo-medical terms like "OCD" "PTSD" "paranoia" "depression" "psychosis" "neurosis" and others like them?

For that matter, show me the Ancient Greek play that mentions terms like these!
Show me a post-Enlightenment, pre-1850s work that does!

There is of course not one!

This wasn't because they went "undiagnosed" or hadn't been discovered; but because they did not exist then, do not exist now and cannot logically ever exist!

No behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease. That's not what diseases are!
The medicalization of everyday life is a recent and retrograde development!

In fact, whilst the human condition does not and cannot change as the Renaissance humanists believed - our culture has since then imensely degraded in some ways; and a greater understanding of human behaviour is probably gained by experiencing Shakespeare than by psychiatry text books!

I am sure there are young folk doing Literature A-Level or Bac at the same time as Psychology A-Level or Bac.
The contrast is probably quite stark between the two.
Between amazing literature from most of history before the last century or so that IN NO WAY mentions "mental illness" in the case of the Literature A-Level; and then between the Psychology one which is probably full of more recent and often more drab writings that most likely go on about NOTHING BUT so-called "Mental Illness" or "Mental Disorder".

The Nobel Prize for Mutilation, 1949.

The Nobel Prize for Mutilation, 1949.

Winner of the Nobel Prize for Mutilation 1949

The award that this man won in 1949 needs to be rescinded in the name of human decency and for the dignity of the science of Medicine.

To be clear and conciliatory once again, what is left of "mental illness" as an ideology and what is left of "Psychiatry" as a discipline - and they are going through a final spurt of life - need to distance themselves very clearly, and differentiate themselves very clearly, from the most glaring crimes and abuses of what has gone before in their name.

The award above was made at a different time from ours. We need to be clear about what the differences are. For example, before W.W.2 and Nazism in the earlier part of the previous century, ideas like "eugenics" had a far more widespread currency within Medicine and culture in general.

We can thank our defeat of Nazism for having the effect of putting an end to this tendency and others like it.

Fully establishing human rights and freedoms for all would be a tribute to those who fought Fascism/Nazism.
It would be realizing the vision of people like Sir Winston Churchill who fought the war and sustained its aftermath, with the open hope for and the open belief in a better world to come here on our tiny planet.



I personally have a great deal of respect for Nobel Prizes and there very noble intentions and founder.

I don't think there is really any precedent for rescinding any Nobel Prizes in any discipline. The above is definitely a case for setting that precedent.

And while we are on the subject of the Nobel Prizes - the entire prize for "Economics"  - the most recently instituted in 1969 - should be rescinded since there is no discipline nor science to award the Prize for. :) 
"Economics is Politics".



Last night on Radio 4 there was a long charitable appeal for a people with an "illness" that they "suffered" from - sometimes for years - called "O.C.D."

This illness - "OCD" - simply does not exist.

It is a scandal that Radio 4 uses its highly reputable charity slot for propagating a LIE and a DECEIT.

All we are dealing with are thort patterns and behaviors.

Seeing these as an illness is worse than any illness.


Supposed illnesses like these are often exaggerated aspects of HUMAN NATURE.

The consequences of believing in non-illnesses like these are potentially catastrofic.


"Psychiatry" of all kinds is intellectual DOGSHIT that needs to be cleaned up very, very badly.

At present the society we have makes scupltures out of this dogshit rather than cleaning it up!

In fact our society has it pipelined in to every part of our culture.

I am fed up with feeling like the only intellectual to point out this obvious reality ! 

A society free from prejudice?

A society free from prejudice?

A society free from prejudice is impossible until it is free from Psychiatry.

Psychiatry IS prejudice, oppression and injustice writ large.

"Neurosis" and its related term "Psychosis" are NON-SCIENTIFIC, FAKE terms.

"Neurosis" and its related term "Psychosis" are NON-SCIENTIFIC, FAKE terms.

Both are FAKE terms.

Both terms come from around the same period - the late 1800s. Both were used by Freud and Freudians.

"Psychosis" is ultimately a fake way of saying you disapprove or diagree with someone's beliefs or thorts. Ostensibly it means a "break with reality". Well - how does this exclude a simple mistake? And who defines "reality"?
Beliefs aren't illnesses. And cannot be.

"Neurosis" is a way of saying that you disapprove of someone's thorts or feelings and that you believe that has something to do with their nerves - though you have never examined their physical nerves.
In fact as I have said before "Neurosis" has NOTHING to do with the nerves and is not supposed to!
"Worrisome" is another way of saying "neurotic" - and no more precise in ANY type of discourse.

Also - I will repeat that "a nervous breakdown" is a FAKE TERM.

IF it means "a life crisis" and has NOTHING OBSERVABLY related to the nervous system then it is a misleading, fake term.


It is time to tidy up our entire global culture - into which terminology like this has been spilled.
Like after a horrendous oil tanker disaster, which happened around 1900! :)

The point is these are supposedly scientific terms - and yet are not.
That means that the task of finding more accurate ways of describing our problems is vital.

Another vicitm. How many more?

Sylvia Plath - like, for example, Vincent Van Gogh - was not "mentally ill" - at least for the simple reason that there is no such thing as "mental illness".

It appears that, in all our commemorations of her, we still sadly do not point out that she was a VICTIM and a SURVIVOR of the most vicious forms of "Psychiatry" (Greek for "mindhealing").

She "experienced" it at probably its most evil apogee - the USA in the 1950s.

The Rosenbergs were electrocuted to death. So were many others by other racist US executioners.

In another act of violence, Sylvia was electrocuted too, don't forget. Poor, poor soul.

How can what is essentially an execution method be a medical process?

It can't - and it is a horrific endictment of the complacency of Medicine, Law and the whole of our civilisation that this wicked crime continues at all.






Psychiatry's Electro-Convulsive Shock "Treatment" ("ECT") is wholly unnecessary, totally pointless, totally bogus scientifically and a crime against humanity.

It is very damaging. 

It is - we must never forget - like so much of psychiatry - AN ACT OF VIOLENCE.

Frankly, I am surprised the Royal Engineers haven't been round to all "E.C.T. Torture Stations" and evacuated the people and then "burned the hole" with a few good old Bangalore Torpedos and blown the fuckers up! Then put the Nazis who run them on trial.


What shocks me - if you'll pardon the pun - is the utter apathy about the issue. 
Where are Bono and U2 for example? 
Are they busy sipping champagne with Elton John? Or watching the beautiful oil fields?

I have emailed Sue - shown above and she is an inspiration - a living saint if ever there was one! 
She was really friendly and kind to me.
She does all she can to end this nightmare for millions. Wow!

It has happened on a massive scale in the UK since the 1950s at least. 
It was originally "experimented with" on vagrants.

Like I say elsewhere, doctors are concerned enuff about boxing to campaign systematically and in an organised way for its abolition.
Why the silence about this wicked crime?? - an embarrassment to what is left of "Medicine"!!


To even talk of "voluntary electrocution" - as a Professor of Medicine did to me yesterday - I sincerely find offensive.
Would one talk of "voluntary kneecapping"?......

The Nazis - A Warning from History. Psychiatry - A Warning from Right Fucking Now!

The Nazis - A Warning from History.

Psychiatry - A Warning from Right Fucking Now!

"The Myth of Psychotherapy"

In my experience the formal "Psychotherapist" or "Clinical" Psychologist - whilst not a poisoner nor a jailor - is almost equally criminal and potentially damaging as the Psychiatrist.

Psychotherapy too is not just a "Myth" as Szasz diplomatically inferred with his 1988 title - "The Myth of Psychotherapy" - but also a lie and potentially a crime - like its ally "Psychiatry". Still at least they won't poison, torture or imprison you. I am shocked however at their lack of vocal opposition to such things - to say the least.

To be conciliatory, REBT - the originator of CBT - as an example of a "psychotherapy" - is a very sound filosofy of life. IMO. And that is a point - it is simply an opinion really. And hence should never ever be imposed.

I personally feel the need for "therapy", "counselling" or "advice" to recover from the crimes comitted against me by people who are at least supposed to be helping me. Tragic!

And of course what I really want and need - what we all need really - is love and compassion. Also - not available from "therapists".

NOTA BENE: "Therapy" as a concept and a word can only really be PHYSICAL by the way; and applied to physical activity only! This is important. 

Hence the piece of language "psycotherapy" like my old enemy "psychopathology" is practically criminal. 

"Psychopathology" as a piece of language alone - let alone an "activity" - in particular is totally wicked and immoral.

..................... t.b.c.

Setting oneself up as a "therapist" or "psychotherapist" and even charging money for it, implies that one has some kind of SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE or SKILL that enables you and hence your "client" to deal with life - as we all have to - in some kind of superior way.

Is that really the case?



What I have written above - which I am led to believe has been read by 17 people - is FAR TOO HARSH. 

"Far too harsh" is also a description of the "mental health system" which is what I was being ravaged by when I wrote most of this blog. In spite of this, I am quite happy with the blog overall.

Therapy and / or counselling CAN OF COURSE HELP. They can be vital.

A point to be made is that just a friendly chat with psychological insights is very helpful and all that therapy should be basically.

I am once again all the way with Szasz and his views on the subject as expressed in "The Myth of Psychotherapy".

I also point to his argument for developing what he called Iatrologic - or the art of healing words!


"The Hospitals That Make You Sick"

I am at present RECOVERING from being in a hospital.

Yes. Totally illogical isn't it? Welcome to the pure illogicality of the crime that is "psychiatry".

These are - in the title of a "Big Issue" article of the year 2000 -
"The Hospitals That Make You Sick."

I still have a photocopy of the extensive article.

In 2000, I photocopied it and sent it in a letter to a "Psychiatrist" who had happily imprisoned me and thousands of innocents time and time again.

The "doctor" gave me no reaction or recognition of having received this wonderful article.

Did people like this join the medical profession to be jailors?

These prisons - and they still exist today in 2013 - are such a complete waste of resources at a time when supposedly we are lacking in funds and resources.

This practice of incarcerating large numbers of people without trial in fake hospitals for no reason other than being an inconvenience or an annoyance sadly begun - at least as a fake medical practice - principally in England.

Later on, the Soviets and many others used this fake medical discipline to incarcerate "enemies of the state". In the "West" victims of capitalism still fall victim to this criminal system far more innocently.

It is to be hoped that England will be a place where the movement to end this practise will prosper and prevail.

The answer is to establish the human rights for which World War 2 was fought.


It makes me laugh when people say :-

"What do you want us to do instead?"

This is like someone saying :-

"What do you want me to do instead of kicking your head in as you lie supine on the floor?"

I am clearly not required to answer anything other than the following :-

"What you should do instead is simply not kick my head in whilst I lie supine on the floor!"


If I were again asked the absurd question :-

"What should we do instead?"

I would reply :

"Give people their freedom!".


"Recovery and Well-Being Plan"?

I was given a "Recovery and Well-being Plan" - as we all were.

How many of the scowls that this pamphlet was greeted with were due to the fact that there is NO illness - hence NOTHING to recover from???
- except the continuing attempt to destroy our WELL-BEING throo DEADENING INCARCERATION and POISONING.

Fucking astounding stupidity!

Just give us what is supposed to be our normal birthright - our freedom! We can't do anything without that anyway!....


Someone said to me:
"So you think you are some kind of "miscarriage of psychiatric justice" then?"
You could here a slight "smiley man" in their voice. :)

I said "Nice one! Well yeah! 
But the point is - there is no such thing as Psychiatric justice!
In fact Psychiatry is one big massive injustice!"......

In fact being declared "mentally ill" nowadays could be thought of as a bit like the diametric opposite of winning the lottery. Equally random but utter and total bad luck.


Just got out of Colditz !

Just a brief note regarding 5th - and hopefully final - IMPRISONMENT (objectively speaking) in a "Pysch Ward"; more like a "holding pen" really - at least the one I was on.

I am by the way in no way the only victim of all this bullshit who is to say the least DISSATISFIED with what is still occurring.

The old wards I was on 10 years ago were not full of people who were very familiar with real prisons as many on them are now. I don't mean to namedrop but HMP Pentonville and HMP Brixton spring to mind. Many prisons are indeed now FAR more humane than "Psych Wards".

As I said to the staff - "Did you join the Medical Profession to be Jailors?"

Also - this is echoed in the way that the new hospital is more like a holding pen and less like a recuperative space.

It is the same "double whammy" for us victims - MEDICALISATION and also QUASI-CRIMINALISATION of something that SIMPLY DOES NOT AND CANNOT EXIST.

Then on top of this you are expected to feel positive! :)

I am speaking for many people here.

At least they make the effort to give everyone the chance to have something like proper exercise....

The emphasis is now rightly on getting people out of the place as quickly as feasible.
The question of course - as it always was - is why do we have these prisons at all?

Why did the Allied Soldiers bother fighting and dying if we don't even have human rights in England?

Yesterday, I had to  listen to a fully grown man bellowing very loudly below me for half an hour or more:
 "Let me go home! I have been here for 2 bloody weeks! I just want to go home! To do what I want and have the food I want! Oh please let me go home! Please!". Repetitively - over and over again.
He sounded very infantilised by his confinement.
If you treat people like infants they can behave like infants.
They should frankly just let him go home!  The poor man was on a ward called "Picasso Ward".

The wards at the local psychiatric hospital are all named after visual artists. Would they name prisons after visual artists?

Hepworth, Moore, Monet, Turner, Ogura, Morris, Picasso.....
Are they saying all visual artists are "insane"??!
Is this an unintended comment on English boorishness regarding visual art??!
Would they name them after other kinds of artist..... or even philosophers?...!...

I have to think of it as some kind of monastery to keep me in a reasonable frame of mind regarding the place.
The piece of terminology "ward" does have its origins in monasticism. European monasticism was the driving force of European civilisation for 1000 years or so and England was an important centre of it.
Barking Abbey was just down the road - Barley Lane being named after the last Abbess, Dorothy Barley (Women were especially important at Barking Abbey as I discovered in an amazing history book entitled "Essex Girls" by Karen Bowman).

I was on "Turner Ward" myself. With loads of really lovely people. Three old friends from the system were in there when I got there. One has been in the "Mentalism" system since the 1980s. Another since the early 90s. He has also been hit by a large "hummer" car. He has no car and bikes everywhere. His legs were badly injured. He was in pain and needed to be in a conventional hospital really. But as he was already in the mental system - this was where he ended up. Another since the late 90s. I was shocked to see all three - to be honest! It is a self-replicating system! And you can get stuck in it... and end up getting stuck in the door!!
A chap who was on there last Christmas is still lingering there and is now quite obese - he wasn't at all when I last saw him.

Some now suffer obesity and diabetes from years of pointless toxic dogshit medication and years of idleness due to this criminal system.

I add that "Turner" officially refers to the proto-Impressionist stormy weather painter J.M.W.; and not to Tina - tho she is also of course a bit of a crazy artiste!

The whole place should be sub-titled "CHRIS OFILI HOSPITAL" - in honour of the fact that Psychiatry is shit.
This prize-winning artist paints using elephant dung.

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I am an amateur FILOSOFER. (I am not really a sofa). I dropped out of Cambridge University though I got an "S" grade in the entrance examination. I eventually received a 1st class Bachelors degree elsewhere. I received A.H.R.B. funding to pursue postgraduate study, but did not do so. Please enjoy my blogs. To parafrase Orwell, I am trying to make political blogging into an art. My intellectual heroes are Kenan Malik, Thomas Szasz and Noam Chomsky. I have made some mistakes in my life - and I would like to apologize wholeheartedly and from the depths of my cushions for any problems I may have caused and may be causing for anyone anywhere.