
  • "The Myth of Mental Illness", Thomas Szasz, 1961.
  • "The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement", Thomas Szasz, 1970.
  • "Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "Anti-Freud - Karl Kraus' Criticisms of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "The Theology of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 1977.
  • "The Myth of Psychotherapy", Thomas Szasz, 1978.
  • "Insanity - the Idea and its Consequences", Thomas Szasz, 1987.
  • "Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market", Thomas Szasz, 1992.
  • "The Meaning of Mind: Language, Morality and Neuroscience", Thomas Szasz, 1996.
  • "Fatal Freedom: The Ethics and Politics of Suicide", Thomas Szasz, 1999.
  • "Faith in Freedom", Thomas Szasz, 2004
  • "The Medicalisation of Everyday Life", Essays by Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Psychiatry: the Science of Lies", Thomas Szasz, 2008.
  • "Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared", Thomas Szasz, 2009.
  • "Suicide Prohibition: The Shame of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 2011.
  • "Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good", James Davies, 2013.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Offer excludes Psychiatrists!"

20th Century Proverbs, Book One, Volume 1.

We have to build a world where this offer includes "Psychiatrists".

The basic point is that - if it exists at all - it needs to be totally optional and non-coercive.

Just like Medicine itself is. 

"Psychiatry" encorages suicide

For many reasons "Psychiatry" definitely encourages suicide!.....

One being that it is regarded as a "symptom" of an "illness"......

Consequently - something that one is regarded as being likely to do if one has been labelled as having a "mental illness".

A second reason is that what is done to people in the name of "Psychiatry" is very often a fate worse than death. The so-called "Treatments" are imensely painful. They often constitute TORTURE and certainly POISONING.

It is that bad. And it is HIGH TIME it totally ended. 

Start HELPING PEOPLE instead.

"Liberty lost still buried today....."


I am still stuck in the crime against humanity that is the UK "Mental Health System".
I am at the present time effectively under house arrest of a kind.

For no reason whatsoever and for no crime whatsoever.
And here in the UK my own birth country.
A bit like Ozzy Julian Assange.

This is a disgraceful injustice imposed on me and thousands of others by a criminal system, run and maintained by criminals.

If you are involved with these prisons then you are a criminal - from the humblest cleaner to the most bleeding-heart drama therapist.

These places are illegal prisons. That alone makes them unacceptable. It is nothing personal.

Whilst under this coercive system people expect me to behave in an entirely "normal" way.

If you don't treat people normally, how can you expect them to behave normally?

If you treat people for decades on end as effective slaves and imprison them without reason at the drop of a hat - is it not a miracle for them not to be full of hate for the so-called society around them?

I would implore anyone anywhere to campaign vigorously for an end to the crime that is psychiatry

Szasz Manifesto

Amnesty International

Keep taking the Popper!

Karl Popper's FALSIFIABILITY theory - though primarily intended to apply to the natural sciences - can obviously apply to the so-called human and social sciences.

The "social sciences" are of course riven with filosofical difficulties.
Popper was concerned with these with reference to politics and political change.

In terms of (what remains of) Medicine the proposition that someone has a "mental illness" in strict reference to Popper's theory would mean that the only way that this presumably scientific proposition can be accepted by a scientist is if it can be FALSIFIED.

Given that "Mental Illness" is declared to be present in someone on a totally arbitrary basis the full horror of the evil that this non-ideology is, is revealed quite quickly by Popper's thorts on science.

FALSIFIABILITY is always ultimately denied by Psychiatric DIKTAT.
"Psychiatry" is effectively the same thing as NAZISM. A monstrous tryranny.
Not popular here in England!...
It could get worse.
Stop it before it does!.....

If someone declares person X to have "Mental Illness" Y - how would this be FALSIFIED rather than PROVEN?.....

"Mental Illness" can never be falsified for it is always and by definition the arbitrary declaration of someone about someone else.

Therefore it fails Popper's test with flying colours. It is not science at all!

Dyslexia ROOLS UK.

Dyslexia ROOLS UK.



If you disagree then you probably are an English speaker.

Why not chose a different language to speak and write in?
Maybe ...say Spanish.

Do everything in Spanish and THEN tell me if you still have "Dyslexia" (according to someone else) or think you do yourself.

About Me

My photo
I am an amateur FILOSOFER. (I am not really a sofa). I dropped out of Cambridge University though I got an "S" grade in the entrance examination. I eventually received a 1st class Bachelors degree elsewhere. I received A.H.R.B. funding to pursue postgraduate study, but did not do so. Please enjoy my blogs. To parafrase Orwell, I am trying to make political blogging into an art. My intellectual heroes are Kenan Malik, Thomas Szasz and Noam Chomsky. I have made some mistakes in my life - and I would like to apologize wholeheartedly and from the depths of my cushions for any problems I may have caused and may be causing for anyone anywhere.