
  • "The Myth of Mental Illness", Thomas Szasz, 1961.
  • "The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement", Thomas Szasz, 1970.
  • "Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "Anti-Freud - Karl Kraus' Criticisms of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 1976.
  • "The Theology of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 1977.
  • "The Myth of Psychotherapy", Thomas Szasz, 1978.
  • "Insanity - the Idea and its Consequences", Thomas Szasz, 1987.
  • "Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market", Thomas Szasz, 1992.
  • "The Meaning of Mind: Language, Morality and Neuroscience", Thomas Szasz, 1996.
  • "Fatal Freedom: The Ethics and Politics of Suicide", Thomas Szasz, 1999.
  • "Faith in Freedom", Thomas Szasz, 2004
  • "The Medicalisation of Everyday Life", Essays by Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry", Thomas Szasz, 2007.
  • "Psychiatry: the Science of Lies", Thomas Szasz, 2008.
  • "Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared", Thomas Szasz, 2009.
  • "Suicide Prohibition: The Shame of Medicine", Thomas Szasz, 2011.
  • "Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good", James Davies, 2013.

"Seeing as you continuously......"

Comment written to Amnesty International on Facebook.

Seeing as you continuously delete my comments for being "off topic" I will do as you suggest and start a new thread. 
Nice to know that I can do that - start a new thread. Thanks for defending my human right to freedom of speech. Could you also start defending some other of my human rights - here in England - a homeland of them? For example - the right to not be imprisoned by the state without crime or trial? And the right not to EVER be poisoned, tortured and terrorised by the state?
Principles upheld by Winston Churchill in leading Britain throo World War II? Would it be OK if you could do that for me too? For the first time ever? There's a "Hospital"-full of my friends at Goodmayes who want that as well. I am sure. Medicine cannot exist anywhere whilst the crime against humanity that is "Psychiatry" exists as a part of it.

Lest we forget what people died for in World War 2.


1 in 4?

1 in 4 people suffer a "mental health problem" at some point in their lives. Supposedly.

I prefer the more accurate statistic "NONE IN FOUR" suffer them as they don't exist and can't exist.

"One in Four" has been a prominent slogan in campaigns to reduce stigma and discrimination against people with "mental health problems".

BUT the ideology of "Mental Illness" is ITSELF intrinsically STIGMATIZATION.

The ONLY truthfully permissable slogan is "NONE IN FOUR" because it doesn't exist.

No! It's Not Just Like Having a Broken Leg!

No! It's Not Just Like Having a Broken Leg, Diabetes or High Blood Pressure!

"Mental Illness" we are constantly told is the same thing as normal physical illness, just mental instead of physical.

"It's just like having a broken leg!" or "It wouldn't be a problem if it was a broken leg!"

Well this is the point. It is not physical so you can't see it, but neither is it an illness!

No! It is not just like having a broken leg!

It doesn't exist at all.


Effectively, the UK Benefits System no longer recognizes "Mental Illness" as a reason to be off work.

In truth, it never really did.

This does not sit well with the recent surge in the media and from some political quarters of "mental illness" awareness and pro-"mental illness" rhetoric and hype.

Neither does it sit well with the massive extent of benefit claiming that was made by people with "Mental Health problems." For decades, people have signed off sick in the UK with "mental health problems" in quite large numbers.

Many people who weren't disabled at all were encouraged - admittedly by well-meaning people - to claim DLA (Disability Living Allowance) for decades. And sometimes DLA was awarded to such people.

This continues with people being awarded benefits for being so sick that they cannot work, when they could really work. But the system is tightening up.

Look at the small print and it becomes clear that strictly speaking no changes are needed and such benefits should never have been awarded at all.

Szasz was well aware of this kind of issue in all his writings and wrote extensively about issues around supposed "malingering".


The mismatch pointed to above at the beginning of this post also accentuates the under-class status of what was and still is in the UK quite a large number of people - the longterm unemployed also designated "mentally ill."

In 2014, these people are starved of facilities more than they ever were.


My own personal view is that the best solution to the problem of wage slavery and benefits is
A GUARANTEED BASIC INCOME FOR ALL, regardless of work activities or work payments.

I have never "malingered".
I was always told to claim sickness benefits by others and effectively coerced into doing so.

The task is a noble task.

"The task we set ourselves - to combat psychiatric coercion - is a noble task.

I think it's important. Not enough people think it's important.

A task in the pursuit of which we must persevere - whatever the obstacles.

Our consciense commands that we do no less."

Thomas Szasz.

Good blog in French

A.D.H.D. A.D.N.E.

A.D.H.D. Absolutely Does Not Exist!

The best site

The best site on the Internet!



Penalty for wife leaving you? Electrocution for a week.

Penalty for wife leaving you? Electrocution for a week. WTF???

Every morning for one very, very difficult week of my life back in 2013 I had to listen
to a real gentleman tell me over a cup of tea that he had just spent the last half an hour
being electrocuted.

I simply cannot believe that people can be so cruel to each other. And so stupid.

All that had happened to him - according to what he said - was that he had reacted badly to his wife's leaving him.

A period of recovery is one thing.

A period of some fucking evil bastard of a psychiatrist trying and succeeding very quickly to murder you for no good reason is quite another!

This man was a West Ham fan who remembered the terraces of Upton Park from the 1970s.
He was in his 50s from Hornchurch - a town that helped save the world in World War 2.
He may be dead now for all I know!

BAN E.C.T. - Let's Begin Medicine on Planet Earth!


Stress is not any kind of illness!

Stress is not an illness.

It is an inevitable part of life! To a certain extent - it is a healthy thing!

Without a certain amount of stress - fisical and psychological - the body cannot function!

However, stress is a real killer nowadays! Things that aren't illnesses can kill you!
Just ask a British soldier!

Anyway, I will say that I cannot imagine anything more stressful than some of what the "UK Mental Health System" has put me throo over the last 22 years of pure oppression and suffering.

It must rival in stressfulness that those serving Queen and Country in the Armed Forces must go through! For me and many, many others!

How can we show respect for a "Queen and Country" that locks people away in horrific conditions for no reason at all?
In their thousands!
And effectively murders people here in the UK itself!
In their thousands!


P. N. C. L. D. and Ruby Wax

If you think this blog is some kind of joke and are laughing at it after reading it then you could have -

P N C L D -

Post Non-Comedy Laughter Disorder.

It's quite common but not serious.

It is sometimes known to occur after attendance at Ruby "Must Have" Wax "In Her Fecking Ears" gigs.

The best cure is Bill Hicks and/or Richard Pryor.

[Ruby's new tour is rumoured to be called
"1 in 4 with Mental Illness?
 Did you believe that nonsense? 
I was only joking, you idiots!"


"There are no "Mentally Ill People" -
 there are only "Psychiatric Survivors"!

[Incidentally - "Mentally Ill" CAN BE a compulsory label -
"Psychiatric Survivor" is always a VOLUNTARY one].

Afterthought 08.10.17:

I must say that I very much like Ruby Wax and that she is indeed funny and a good comedienne and a great person. Even though I obviously disagree with her about the question of "mental health" etc.
I watched her "Who Do You Think You Are?" episode on BBC1 and I found it very moving.
Unfortunately, she didn't make the point that in the Holocaust many people who were labelled "mentally ill" were murdered by the Nazis. Earlier on in her family tree, she accepted unquestioningly that some of her relatives had "mental illness" and also accepted their treatment - which included long-term incarceration - as necessary and humane.

To some extent she had brought up the question of whether her parents had "caused" her "Mental Health Problems". When we found out what her parents had been through, we were very much willing to forgive them if this was the case. Forgiveness of those who perpetrated the Holocaust is a different matter. As is forgiveness of those who continue to enslave and abuse those labelled "mentally ill." I believe that forgiveness is possible in both cases.

I don't entirely discount the possibility that she may one day discover that she is effectively swallowing the propaganda of psychiatry in propagating the views that she does.
But as a spokesperson for and representative of people in a situation similar to my situation and that of millions of others, I think there could be worse people. She is empathetic and seems relatively open-minded.

She was on "Sunday Morning Live" this morning on BBC1 talking about "Mental Health" and I was disconcerted and a little amused to hear her affirm that doctors can and should learn to "spot" those who really have "Mental Health Problems", as opposed to those who simply have "the blues" for example.

Hopefully she will one day see the obvious - that the distinction between those with "mental health problems" and those without, is meaningless, arbitrary and non-existent.

Read Bullshit Disorder

Regarding Will Self's belief that he is "addicted" to energy drinks.

Maybe he's got RBSD - Read Bull Shit Disorder? 

The "First World Disease" and the "Second World Disease".

If violence - for example - is a DISEASE or even the SYMPTOM of one - then why do we not speak of World Disease One and World Disease Two?

No behaviour, no thought, no feeling is a disease; nor are they or can they be the SYMPTOMS of one.

A disease can only be PHYSICAL.

Not Medicine. Not Science.

I am so sorry and it is no one's fault - but this is not medicine and not science.

This book is absolute nonsense.

Darkest Switzerland

"Schizophrenia" was invented in Darkest Switzerland in the 1880s.
By a highly unintelligent and UNENLIGHTENED criminal called Bleuler.
"Schizophrenia" does not exist.


It is part of a European-in-origin crime against humanity called "Psychiatry".

Medicine cannot begin on Planet Earth whilst Psychiatry is part of it!

Medicine cannot begin on Planet Earth whilst Psychiatry is part of it!

Videos of Thomas Szasz speaking on Psychiatry:

Video of Jeffrey Schaler speaking on Psychiatry:




Whilst one quarter of all "medicines" are "psychiatric" the Science and Art of Modern Medicine does not have a hope of even beginning!



So-called "Anti-Depressant" drugs, for example, do not have any effect at all other than physical destruction of the human being.

They are an absolute and criminal lie.

Rudolf Virshow

For our definition of Medicine and for many other things we should thank Rudolf Virshow (1802-1902)!

For many reasons this man was a great man. 
Medicine cannot be said to have begun in Europe until the basic principles he outlined are applied throughout it.

Our parlous state of affairs in Medicine is another example of how - compared to his time - we are in another Dark Age!



Noun. c.1995. * Believer in "mental illness". Ex. gr. "You're a MENTALIST, mate!!!!!", Professor Alan Partridge, Norwich City University, in "Up With the Partridge", Norwich University Press, 2001.

Noun. c. 1995. MENTALISM. Belief in "mental illness".

Man is still quite senseless!.......

"L'homme est bien insensé: il ne saurait forger un ciron et forge des dieux à la douzaine."

"Man is quite senseless: he would not know how to make a maggot and he makes gods by the dozen."

Michel de Montaigne / 1533-1592 / Essais, 2.12.


Michel de Montaigne,

Renaissance Humanist,
sceptic filosofer
campaigner for religious tolerance,
inventor of the "essay" form,
French writer,


Replace "gods" with "Psychiatric diagnoses" in the above quote and we have some contemporary enlightenment I believe.


Was Hitler "Mad"?

Well it would be hard for him to have been since there really is no such thing as "madness" (apart from the 1980s English pop band)  - as we all discover at some point in our lives.

"Its the psychogram of a person with a narcisstic/psychopathic
personal disorder combined with a high IQ."

[This was an Internet quote regarding "Proper Muppet" Adolf Hitler - author of "Mein Shaft" - which is what he should have fallen down at birth........
"Everybody wants to rule the world; but only Hitler tried"...... .......].......

My shrink said he just had the plain RIGHT WING EXTREMIST DISORDER.

If you ask me - he was simply the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time....

("No Hitler, No Holocaust" - Professor Ian Kershaw. Maybe this is so. Hitler was sadly the leader of the successful Counter Revolution to the Communist German Revolution of 1918. But an equally important point to make is this - Hitler would have been NOTHING without people who obeyed him).

One of the serious points I am making is:-

That there are no such things as "Personality Disorders" - whether "Narcissistic" or of other kinds....

Such things are determined arbitrarily.
They are STIGMATIZING LABELS and they precede the behaviour that they purportedly describe.


AND the fake DISCOURSE of "Psychiatry" is POTENTIALLY as dangerous as the discourse of fascism eventually was.

This was a warning that Szasz was giving us!.......

"Psychiatric" diagnonsenses can also serve as the thinly disguised language of we can see here.......

ALSO and very sadly -

"Psychiatry" gives us the absurd MEDICALIZATION OF BELIEFS.
(As well as the "Medicalization of Everyday Life.")

A thoroughly wicked and ridiculous concept.
Objectionable beliefs are not medical problems. 
Neither can they be changed by medical means.

Such things mark the 20th century as a century of terrible cultural backwardness as compared to others preceding it.

We are supposed to be in a different century now. We are still so often mired in the rubbish of the preceding one.

A century that was undoubtedly the worst humanity ever saw.
The previous century will take us some time to recover from.

"Psychiatry", "Mental Illness", "Mental Health" - all of these ideologies are INTELLECTUAL DOGSHIT that must be painstakingly cleaned up from our global culture.



"There is only one philosophical problem - suicide."

Albert Camus (in the "Myth of Sisyphus").

It is obviously a logistical problem as well, you mellon!

But if Stelios - had created a company called "Easydeath" [rather than "Easyjet/EasyDeathForThePlanetEarth"] - for uncomplicated suicides -
I don't think he would get that much business anyway.

I do not necessarily advocate this for a second. But I do believe that suicide is a human right.
And if suicide were effectively made easily available I do not believe that that would necessarily mean that there would be more of it. There may even be less.

Regardless of whether there would be more of it or less of it, I believe in individual freedom.

Since "mental illness" simply does not exist - there is no link between it and suicide. Nor can there be.

"Suicide is a fundamental human right. This does not mean that it is morally desirable. It only means that society does not have the moral right to interfere."
Thomas Szasz.

I agree with this.

"If I should die think only this of me,
I'm just another victim of Psychiatry."



IRELAND - "Autism" is a LIE and "Psychiatry" a CRIME!

Ireland is one of the oldest colonies in the world.

It is still colonized by THE EMPIRE OF BULLSHIT that is "Psychiatry".

One of Pyschiatry's home was England.


"AUTISM"'s wiki definition cannot really sustain the "entity" beyond this definitional first line:

Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior. [WIKI].

There is not and never was ANYTHING concerning Neurology involved in "Autism".
No "neural lesions" have ever been found - or looked for - in connection with this utterly fraudulent entity.

"Impaired interaction" and "Stereotyped behaviour" ARE arbitrary and condemnatory DESCRIPTIONS.

And very importantly such behaviour can be changed by those supposedly displaying it.
Sadly, the person doing the diagnonsensing has all the power and can damn with such labels.

Yet this is what they are for.

The people involved in Psychiatry are effectively criminals.



So-called "Personality Disorders" are defined in Wiki thus:-

"Personality disorders are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring maladaptive patterns of behaviour, cognition and inner experience, exhibited across many contexts and deviating markedly from those accepted by the individual's culture."

In other words you'd be forgiven for thinking that the "Doctor" doesn't feckin' like you and/or how you are behaving!

Another great Thomas Szasz quote.

"In the animal kingdom the rule is eat or be eaten, in the human kingdom define or be defined."

Thomas Szasz. 


An example of a new problem identified by Sighkiatrysts.


"A tree is NOT a chair. A shoe is NOT a cup.
A feeling, behaviour or thought is NOT an illness."

About Me

My photo
I am an amateur FILOSOFER. (I am not really a sofa). I dropped out of Cambridge University though I got an "S" grade in the entrance examination. I eventually received a 1st class Bachelors degree elsewhere. I received A.H.R.B. funding to pursue postgraduate study, but did not do so. Please enjoy my blogs. To parafrase Orwell, I am trying to make political blogging into an art. My intellectual heroes are Kenan Malik, Thomas Szasz and Noam Chomsky. I have made some mistakes in my life - and I would like to apologize wholeheartedly and from the depths of my cushions for any problems I may have caused and may be causing for anyone anywhere.