[Of the dead one should only speak good.]
Of the dead one should only speak good.
In the case of Szasz - this is particularly easy to live up to!
Szasz's books are of the highest quality and his ideas have the potential to avoid a great deal of suffering. He has rendered humanity a great service with his work.
Szasz's views' are perhaps sometimes being misrepresented and him and his views are being denigrated from beyond the grave.
A good example is Szasz's current wiki artricle.
It has an ENTIRE PART entitled "Criticism" at an early point in the article.
Is that the case with Chomsky's wiki or Newton's wiki?
The things that make up this part of the wiki article in my view do not really come under the definition of "critique" or "criticism".
Perhaps "mudslinging" would be a more apt title for this part of the wiki article.
Chomsky as a thinker is accorded far more attention than Szasz.
I think Szasz is absolutely worthy of an equal amount of attention.
His ideas are for all of us!
For they are nothing more than ideas - systematised LOGIC!
[Of the dead one should only speak good.]
Of the dead one should only speak good.
In the case of Szasz - this is particularly easy to live up to!
Szasz's books are of the highest quality and his ideas have the potential to avoid a great deal of suffering. He has rendered humanity a great service with his work.
Szasz's views' are perhaps sometimes being misrepresented and him and his views are being denigrated from beyond the grave.
A good example is Szasz's current wiki artricle.
It has an ENTIRE PART entitled "Criticism" at an early point in the article.
Is that the case with Chomsky's wiki or Newton's wiki?
The things that make up this part of the wiki article in my view do not really come under the definition of "critique" or "criticism".
Perhaps "mudslinging" would be a more apt title for this part of the wiki article.
Chomsky as a thinker is accorded far more attention than Szasz.
I think Szasz is absolutely worthy of an equal amount of attention.
His ideas are for all of us!
For they are nothing more than ideas - systematised LOGIC!