In Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine etc..... the Brain and Nervous System are ONE BODY SYSTEM - made of the same kind material and functioning as one. The "BCN". ......
Brain Science and Neuroscience are indeed usually interchangeable SYNONYMOUS terms - reflecting this scientific truth.
But this terminology needs "tightening up" and it would be helpful to do so I think.
Therefore Neuroscience could be called Brainscience - and indeed it is.
And hence Neurofilosofy - could be called Brainfilosofy or even Cerebrofilosofy!.....
Where "Science" is rendered as "o-Logy" from "Logos" - one could end up with....
Neurology - which is simply a branch of Medicine concerned with the physical nervous system.
"Nervescience" as "practised" nowadays is often about observing and measuring "neurotransmitters" and "electrical brain scans"......
Neurotransmitters are biochemical human substances..... like enzymes except in the nervous system.....
Far too much is concluded and extended from what is observed from such data......
Neurotransmitters like Dopamine work in relation to extremely basic body functions - like eating, breathing, sleeping.....
They have NOTHING AT ALL to do with emotions and decisions and the like.
Interfering with them has no or little effect on anything ANYWAY.
Let alone on anyone's behavior, emotions, thorts or feelings etc......
Supposedly interfering with them - in the context of "Psychiatric" POISONING - usually means DESTROYING them and their functioning as well as the nervous system itself.
"Neuroleptic" LITERALLY means - destroys the nerves!.....
The chemical cosh that bashes your body to smithereens!
Worse than a real cosh!....
So-called "Neurospychiatry" ("Nerve-Mind-Healing") is a PSEUDOSCIENCE and one of the most damaging crimes against humanity that has been known to us.
Harsh condemnation. Fully warranted.
NEUROLOGY is a branch of Medicine (or what is left of it) concerned with the (fisiological) nerves and the treatment of fisiolojical problems of the nerves and the nervous system!......
NEUROSCIENCE - a totally different thing - is a frightening new entity from the USA :) - something surprisingly different!......
Mood is almost entirely subjective and a choice.
The idea that a substance can change one's mood is almost as wicked as the idea the the state of one's mood can in itself constitute an "illness" anyway.
An excess of "serotonin" - supposedly a "cure" for something that does not and cannot exist - the "illness" of "depression" - will only harm and destroy body systems.
The "medication" is only officially THORT to cause this anyway!
And then this effect - an excess of "serotonin" - is then THORT to have effects. :) :O
As with all neurotransmitters they are always concerned with BASIC BODY FUNCTION -appetite, sleep etc.
NOT moods or thorts or feelings.....
Possibly the biggest factor in ending anyone's "depression" is their realizing that it does not and cannot exist as an illness.
In my experience, what gets labelled "depression" (for example) is almost always related to beliefs and beliefs about life events - not physiology (other than basic health).
Telling someone that they have an "illness" when they obviously do not can never help.
Giving them 200 quid a fortnight extra "Disability Allowance" (when there is NO disability) will help them go to the pub and - in the case of the more sensible recipient of the "wonga" - the brothel.
Neither locales constitute the permament "cure"! :)