My message as an Anti-Psychiatry activist to organisations like "Mind", "SANE", "Rethink" etc. should be relatively obvious.
To a large extent they are advocates for people who are victims of a crime - a crime called "psychiatry."
Whilst they seek to defend the rights of those ARBITRARILY labelled "mentally ill" - they don't seek enough to bring about FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE; and to FULLY SECURE HUMAN RIGHTS for all in the U.K. - for example by FULL REPEAL of the U.K. Mental Health Acts.
A major problem is they as organisations are, to far too great an extent, believers in the criminal ideology of "mental health" and "mental illness"; and hence are nearly as bad as the poisoners themselves.
The astonishing thing is that it is taking organisations like this - and society in general - so long to realise just how right Szasz was.
"Mental illness" does not exist and the "cure" for "it" is far worse than any illness!
To a large extent they are advocates for people who are victims of a crime - a crime called "psychiatry."
Whilst they seek to defend the rights of those ARBITRARILY labelled "mentally ill" - they don't seek enough to bring about FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE; and to FULLY SECURE HUMAN RIGHTS for all in the U.K. - for example by FULL REPEAL of the U.K. Mental Health Acts.
A major problem is they as organisations are, to far too great an extent, believers in the criminal ideology of "mental health" and "mental illness"; and hence are nearly as bad as the poisoners themselves.
The astonishing thing is that it is taking organisations like this - and society in general - so long to realise just how right Szasz was.
"Mental illness" does not exist and the "cure" for "it" is far worse than any illness!